The Pensieve: Philanthrope You!

Friday, April 15

Philanthrope You!

Have you noticed that all swear words are only monosyllable or bisyllable? f***, bi***, so on... This makes them easy to say and is probably the reason why so many people use them. For example, let's say that the word f*** never existed. Instead the swear word is philanthropist. Can you imagine how all gangsters would talk? "Get that philanthropisting gun outta ma face!!"


  1. nice...but we all like to create new ways of swearing using the existing words. Like mo****f***** or cam**f*****. We even like to combine swears like F***** and retard becomes F****tard. But Yeah This would make a great philanthropisting T-Shirt idea!

  2. now isn't this theme a bit too dark?????

  3. Made a LOT of sense :D
    And the theme is a little dark...maybe the red.

  4. Oh the theme of the blog you guys mean...well I thought it looked really

  5. it does look good. But some how it gives me the feeling of watching a B movie in Blue Ray

  6. the theme my friend is cool. only the red is a little darker. try brightening that up.and making the text a little bold :)

  7. Can't change the red colour without changing the theme for some reason...Maybe once I learn HTML I could do something...And text I made it bigger :)

  8. Hey you have a nice blog and so is this post too :)

  9. Thank you Reicha :D and thank you so much for following my blog...
